Zac getting out of the bus before the walk!

Isaac announced while walking, "We're Hanson and we're walking to raise awareness of poverty in Africa and provide shoes!"

Taylor gathering the masses!

Isaac surrounded by fans!

At one point Taylor lost Zac and Isaac despite the fact that there were a good number of girls with each. This is him looking for them!

Zac was silent pretty much the entire time he walked.

However when girls nearly crossed the street on a "Don't walk" sign he had a moment where he freaked out.

If you look closely you can see me all the way on the left with Abby in the stroller. At that point I was standing in the street watching Zac's outburst.

He wasn't actually angry but I think he found the obsession a little silly. You would think that he would be used to it.

Abby and I finally got ahead of the pack....we were very tired of hitting people's ankles!

Abby looks like she is bored but she really loved going on the walk. She was clapping and screaming, "go, go, go."

It looks like Zac is signing an autograph, but I was just happy to be near him!

At about a half mile when we finally regrouped with Taylor, Hanson stopped to give a speech on what our generation can do to change the world.

They reminded their fans that with every pair of shoes we purchased TOMS shoes donated a pair of shoes to children in Africa. Apparently a few shows prior they had reached their first goal of 50,000 shoes donated!

The "rally" started to scare Abby so we walked a few feet away from the crowd so I could look for something to fill Abby's sippy cup. Zac came over to ask me how old Abby was.

We talked about how my child seemed older because of the long blond hair and the "adult-like" clothing. Zac mentioned that his nephew, Ezra, also has a Halloween birthday.

Zac was really nice and very approachable (especially as he approached US)!

At this point I was actually checking out Zac's feet. Random Fact: Zac has hobbit feet!!!

This was the point in the conversation when things started to get awkward....he walked away shortly after which made me happy cause I am boring in comparision to his younger fans.

Isaac seemed a little off that day. He wasn't mean, actually nice....just sort of preoccupied.

In my happy head this is Taylor looking at Abby.

I was quite happy to finally be in front...I got to walk with all three of the guys and if I hadn't been able to go to the concert I would have been happy after the walk!

He seemed pretty preoccupied!

But he and I still had a conversation about how the hand stamps would work. I mentioned that I HAD to go home, and he looked at me crazy-like first, then he remembered (saw) Abby and was like, "oh you HAVE to go home." I mentioned Grandma was watching Abby and that I needed a break with which he agreed!

My feet are the feet on the top left and the middle feet are Taylors.

This was more of our conversation on the handstamps!

Isaac smiling for the first time since I had seem him that day!
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